Where do you get your inspiration?
Inspiration is all around. Just take a look. My characters are all blends of people I know or have seen on the TV or read about in magazines. Sit in the corner of a pub for an afternoon and you will see so many interactions between people.
Kara calls it ‘people-watching’, I call it ‘character inspiration’.
The places my characters visit or live are all inspired by my surroundings or by places I have visited. Living in the Peak District certainly helps with landscaping ideas. Go on Pinterest or Instagram and it’s not hard to find stunning photographs of far away locales that open the doors of the imaginarium within your brain.
Always look around, always write ideas down when they come to you (I have Google Notes on my phone so I have no excuse!) and always let your mind wander if you’re bored.
Share your ideas with friends and family. If people take to the idea it’s worth writing about.